Hip Physio Therapy


Our hip therapy and hip rehab program focuses on restoring range of motion, strength and functionality. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with bursitis, a hip pointer or just had a total  joint replacement , our hip therapy and hip rehab program focuses on restoring range of motion, strength and functionality.

Your care begins with a  comprehensive evaluation  of your functional limitations. Our team of expert physical therapists will then design a hip injury treatment plan based on your individual needs and goals, which may include stretching and strengthening exercises with balance and gait training.

Throughout your hip injury rehabilitation we will work hard to help you return to all your normal functional activities. When you are ready for discharge you will be given a personalized home exercise program to allow your hips to stay healthy, further enhance your rehabilitation outcome and prevent the possibility of future hip injuries.

Hip Physio Therapy
Hip Physio Therapy
Hip Physio Therapy

Commonly treated Injuries of hip joint at perfecto physios are as follows:

  • Arthritis,
  • Bursitis,
  • Femoral nerve entrapment,
  • Gluteal pain,
  • Groin strain,
  • Hamstring strain,
  • Hipflexor strain, post operative hip joint replacement,
  • Piriformis syndrome,
  • Quadriceps strain.

Groin Strain

A Groin Strain is a common injury to the muscles of the inner thigh. The groin muscles, known medically as the “adductor muscle” group, consist of six muscles that span the distance from the inner pelvis to the inner part of the femur (thigh bone). These muscles pull the legs together, and also help
with other movements of the hip joint. The adductor muscles are important in sprinting and sports that involve side stepping as well as ball sports.

Hip Physio Therapy
Hip Physio Therapy

Be particularly careful of pain that comes on gradually during sport, as opposed to suddenly, which you would normally expect to occur with a groin strain. Be also careful of pain that comes on towards the end of activity or even after activity. These symptoms along with pain very high up in the tendons of the groin close to the pubic area, may be a sign of tendinitis or conditions such as ostitis pubis which if left to develop can lead to long spells out of sport, commonly 6-9 months. A tear of the labrum which makes up the socket of the hip joint must also be out-ruled as if left untreated develops into to degenerative hip joint disease. Children or teenagers with long-standing groin pain or even those that have a painless limp when walking should also undergo examination. Perthe’s Disease occurs in 4-10 year olds and the use of a brace or surgery may be required. A slipped capital femoral epiphysis, essentially a slip of the ball of the hip joint occurs in older children, particularly 12 to 15 year old boys. This condition can lead to the hip bone dying and, if severe needs emergency surgery.

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( All appointments will be schedules within 24 hours! )