Back Spine Therapy


Our back injury rehabilitation program begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your back’s dysfunction, posture, flexibility, strength and functional limitations.

We address all back-related issues, including lower back rehab, lower back injury treatment, sports-related back injury and work-related back injury sciatica, lumbar strain.PIVD, Muscular spasm, scoliotic list facet joint syndrome

Our team of expert Physiotherapy will then design a treatment plan based on your individual needs and goals, which may include manual therapy, spinal stabilization exercises, functional training and myofascial release.

Throughout your treatment we will work hard to help you return to all your normal functional activities. As a patient with back dysfunction you will automatically participate in our back education program. You will learn how to protect your back and manage your symptoms by using correct posture and body mechanic techniques during all your daily activities. When you are ready for discharge you will be given a personalized home exercise program to allow your back to stay healthy, further enhance your rehabilitation outcome and prevent the possibility of future back injuries.

Sacroiliac Joint Problems

Sacroiliac joint problems (SIJ) are one of the most common generators of pain in the lower back region. The joint does not have much motion and transmits forces from the upper body to the pelvis, hips and legs. It is also commonly affected by inflammatory conditions such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and anklylosing spondylitis.


  • Stiffness in the hips, pelvis and back.
  • Radiating burning pain into the leg.
  • Tends to be on one side.
  • Pain greater during walking and standing v’s sitting.
  • Pain rolling over at night.
  • Sleeping on side can often be painful.
Back Spine Therapy


Sciatica is a specific pain that originates from the sciatic nerves which each run from one side of the pelvis through the hip and buttocks and down the leg. The Sciatic nerve forms what is effectively an electrical cable to and from the brain. Sciatica is a condition where pain, weakness or altered sensation can be experienced in the buttock, hamstring, calf or foot but it stems from the spine, via the Sciatic nerve. The most common cause of Sciatica is compression of the nerve due to a herniated disc.

Common symptoms:

  • Stiffness in the hips, pelvis and back
  • Radiating burning pain into the leg.
  • Tends to be on one side.
  • Pain greater during walking and standing v’s sitting
  • Pain rolling over at night.
  • Sleeping on side can often be painful

Sciatica may be triggered by very small, normal movements like bending over to one side to pick something up, as well from suffering a trauma like falling off a ladder and landing on your back. It usually affects only one side of the pelvis and leg. Pain extending from the lower back along the back of the leg is a common symptom of sciatica.

Schedule an appointment

( All appointments will be schedules within 24 hours! )